



欣博盛生物科技有限公司(NeoBioscience Technology Co, Ltd)是一家致力于生命科学和生物技术领域的高科技企业,公司由在国内科研试剂领域有着十几年从业经验的专业技术团队和企业管理团队组建而成,公司自主研发的ELISA试剂盒品质卓越,行业领先,在国内众多重点实验室得到广泛使用,深受广大科研工作者的好评。

欣博盛品牌ELISA自推出以来广受权威认可,得到多篇SCI文献引用,其中包括Nature,Nature Immunology,PANS,Cell Research等顶刊文献引用;同时有数千篇国内核心期刊、博士及硕士论文引用。



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Liu J, C. L., Lu H. Asiatic Acid Enhances Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activity to Suppress Isoproterenol Induced Cardiotoxicity. International Journal of Pharmacology 15 September 2018 (2018). TNF-α IL-6 IL-1β Rat 常规样本
Wang L, L. N., Lin D, et al. . Curcumin protects against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion induced injury through inhibiting TLR4/NF-κB pathway. . Oncotarget October 2017 (2017). TNF-α IL-6 IL-1β Rat 常规样本
Huize Yan , Y. W., Shuhao Shen, et al. Corticosteroids effects on LPS-induced rat inflammatory keratocyte cell model. PLOS ONE 2017 April 27 (2017). TNF-α IL-6 IL-1β Rat 常规样本
Du T, X. L., Zhang J, et al. Vitamin D improves hepatic steatosis in NAFLD via regulation of fatty acid uptake and β-oxidation. Frontiers in Endocrinology 1 April 2023 (2023). TNF-α IL-6 MCP-1 Rat 常规样本
Bai Y, H. Y., Gao Y, et al. Oxygen Self-Supplying Nanotherapeutic for Mitigation of Tissue Hypoxia and Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy of Bacterial Keratitis. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 July 2021 (2021). TNF-α IL-6 MMP-9 Rat 常规样本
Gu Z, X. L., Yu H, et al. Cervical sympathetic trunk transection alleviates acute lung injury caused by intestinal obstruction via inhibition of phospholipase A2 in rats. BMC anesthesiology 23 August 2022 (2022). TNF-α IL-6 Rat 常规样本
Lin R, P. H., Xia J, et al. . Cephalic electroacupuncture restores learning and memory in rats with induced ischemic stroke via inhibition of NF-κB nuclear translocation. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 6 March 2023 (2023). TNF-α IL-6 IL-1β Rat 常规样本
Xia R, W. L., Zhou T, et al. Pomegranate juice ameliorates pulmonary fibrosis by regulating inflammatory response and epithelial mesenchymal transformation. Journal of Functional Foods 24 May 2022 (2022). TNF-α IL-6 IL-1β Rat 常规样本
Zhang W, C. J., Guo W, et al. . WKYMVm/FPR2 Alleviates Spinal Cord Injury by Attenuating the Inflammatory Response of Microglia. Mediators of Inflammation 11 July 2022 (2022). TNF-α IL-6 IL-1β Rat 常规样本
Chen T, Z. B., Huang Y, et al. Inhaled amifostine for the prevention of radiation-induced lung injury. Radiation Medicine and Protection 5 May 2022 (2022). TNF-α IL-6 IL-1β TGF-β1 Rat 肺组织
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